I'm Sam Spoerl and I'm a coding addict.

Hi, my name is Sam Spoerl. I'm a software engineer and I've been writing code for over 5 years.

Like many software developers, I got my start because of some tedious task I didn't want to do anymore. For me, it was a report that required a lot of manual parsing through data in a home-grown ERP system. I then spent an entire summer learning SQL in my free time to automate that report.

After that, I was forever changed. I discovered my love for automation and writing code. After college, I started my first job as a Supply Chain Analyst on a brand-new team. The team was effectively formed for a single initial purpose: to crank out reports.

These reports were an immensely manual process. Our data source was filled with unclean data, where we needed to understand that “PRODUCT” and “prdct” were the same thing. We estimated that it took about 60 hours on average to finish a report for a single product.

Driven by a dislike for manual processes, I learned Python to fill the gaps that SQL left in the process. Combining multiple queries with a fuzzy-wuzzy string match and pandas DataFrames, I was able to reduce the man hours to complete this task down to as little as a minute. We still had to wait for the program to run, but we were able to work on other, more fulfilling tasks while we waited.

That began my love affair with coding. Since then, I've explored myriad other languages and frameworks, including JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Java, and C#. Recently, I've worked mostly in .NET for work and Node for my personal projects.

Also, I began focusing in areas such as cloud services, Agile methodology, DevOps, and database management. As a member of a small software development team, I've had my hand in everything. No language, framework, or technology is off limits. This has not only satisfied my intellectual itch, but made me an all-around better engineer.

It's been an unconventional path, but a very rewarding one. I feel like I've had to work twice as hard as other developers to catch up and prove myself. The only reason it's been possible is because I absolutely love it. I find coding addicting. I love solving problems and coding is one big, never-ending problem. Building an app, a feature, or learning a new skill feels like completing a level in Super Mario Bros. I get a little hit of dopamine with every commit.