Personal projects.

I work on side projects to learn and build a portfolio, but the strongest motivator for me is usually that I want the app for myself. Sometimes, I want custom features, don't want to pay for another service, or want more control over my data.

I've worked on tons of little projects over the years but these are the ones of which I'm most proud. Some of them are a work in progress, some have live demos, and many of them are open-source. If you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.

    This site!

    The site you're looking at is one of my projects. I built it to introduce myself and showcase my work.

    Next.js | React | Tailwind UI | Tailwind CSS | TypeScript

    Coming soon!

    Personal Finance App

    I've already built a prototype to fetch my balances in real time. I plan on releasing a demo and open source code for a simple version of the app that uses the Plaid Sandbox environment (fake data). Look for that to come out soon.

    Next.js Front-end | Express.js Backend | Prisma ORM | PostgreSQL | Plaid API

    In progress

    AI Assistant

    No, I'm not trying to compete with ChatGPT. I'm building this app for greater control of my data, lower cost compared to ChatGPT+, and for custom features. Plus, it's fun to build. I've built a Windows desktop version already using WinUI, and now I'd like to build a version for the web.

    Next.js Front-end | Express.js Backend | Prisma ORM | MongoDB | OpenAI API


    Notes App

    One of my biggest frustrations with nearly all of the note-taking apps on the market is that they all depend on title-based organization. Coming up with titles is burdensome and I feel like it stifles my creativity. I want a note-taking and journaling app that is timestamp-based so I don't have to create titles.